Live Trading with Nate Bear
Each month, Nate will zero in on a single ticker. Follow along with him every Monday throughout the month as he breaks down a new play on that ticker… live! Profit Surge Trader is a smart way to cut out the noise and distractions of the market and make winning plays every week. Look over Nate’s shoulder for exact details on his trades, including position size and exit strategy, in his livestream chat room.
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How Does This System Work?
Nate has eliminated one of the biggest obstacles the average investor faces: having to find winning stocks.
With Profit Surge Trader, Nate will give you…
One ticker…
To trade once a week…
For one month.
Every Monday, Nate will stream a LIVE broadcast at noon ET to reveal his game plan for the week.
He will lay it all out:
- The exact ticker he’s trading
- The exact option contract he’s entering
- Most importantly, how he plans to exit the trade for the maximum payout.
And this isn’t going to eat up most of your day.
It’ll take 30 minutes or less… one day a week.

Who is Nate Bear?
Nate started his career in construction… working long hours remodeling stores for places like Home Depot and McDonald’s…
He received calls at all hours… with problem after problem to solve. It required a TON of time away from his family – sometimes he’d leave on a Monday and not return until Friday.
It was brutal. But in 2015… with several new mouths to feed all living in a small, 1,200-square-foot house…
Nate decided he needed more to provide for his family.
He took a big risk and quit his job… and began his career as a full-time trader by turning $37,000 into over $1 million.
In fact, he raked in trading profits of over $2.7 MILLION in four years.
Now he is opening his office doors to the public – every Monday, you can have a trader’s lunch with Nate as he shares his systems and trades in Profit Surge Trader!
If you can watch a streaming video… follow a few simple directions… and make a couple of clicks on your computer…
You can start using the same strategy that helped make Nate a multimillionaire.